Sign Up to Volunteer
At Pet Adoptions of Cuero, we have been successful solely due to the generosity and sheer determination of many volunteers and donors over the years. With that said, the majority of work is done by a core group of less than 5 individuals who visit our shelter 365 days a year for at least 8 hours per day, usually more. It's for this reason that we are always looking for more volunteers!​
Shelter volunteers share the duties with the core group and assist in feeding the roster of dogs and cats, cleaning pens, exercising the animals, and an incredibly important role, socializing these animals. Volunteers can sign up for 2 hour or more shifts (mornings only – any day of the week) and can pick and choose the areas they would like to help and assist. It is very rewarding work and the pets truly appreciate new kind souls who will give them love and attention. Animals brought to the shelters are pre-screened to ensure there is no aggressive behavior before they come from the pound, but many of them have been strays for some time, and have difficulty learning to approach new people. The more volunteers we have, the better prepared these animals will be to meet potential adopters. It's hard to describe the rewards of volunteering with shelter pets, but you will fully understand after just one time helping at the shelter. These animals are just looking for someone to love, and you can help them get there. Use the information provided on the "Contact Us" tab, enter your information below, or use the information at the bottom of the page to let us know you are interested in volunteering!